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Institute Of Intelligence Groups & Int'l Politics Has Come Across An Article That Opens Up The Reason Why Covid-19 Is A Bio Weapon Here To Stay, If The Below Culprits Are Not Reeled In By A Grand Jury Investigation.

This Conspiracy To Impeach The President Through Another Congressional Investigation Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg, Below The Surface Is A More Sinister Plot To Over Throw Our Republic Using The Roots Of The Likes Of Anthony Fauci AKA James Mountain Inhofe II AKA... , Bill Gates AKA Tom Steyer AKA..., Bill Clinton AKA Mayer James De Rothschild, Barack Obama AKA Billy Bush AKA..., And George Soros AKA Russian Col. Vladimir Palicka AKA... In A Plan Concocted By The Globalist. This Plan Has Even Perpetuated, While TRUMP Has Been In Office. Not The Plans Circled In Yellow, Their Plan Has Almost Succeeded Without Hillary Clinton, WHY?

Learn More About The Plandemic Video Series In Fake News Obituary, Moment Of Truth News Reel, The Conspiracy To Impeach The President.

Through This Published Article Written By The Great Game India, Journal On Geopolitics & Int'l Relations Will Give You The Total Skinny In Hoe Bill Gates, George Soros And Bill Clinton Are The Benefactors In The Covid-19, Vaccine And Cure Plus The Big Bonus Remove POTUS By Default Either By Impeachment, Assassination, Or a Rigged Election Through This Plandemic.

Why Has Fauci Created A Direct Attack Against A Cheap Alternative To Ventilator Treatment. Does Fauci Ha A Financial Interest In A Product He Has Been Pushing For Years That Has Failed In Clinical Trials, Why Remdesivir Now?


"Developed a decade ago, this drug failed in clinical trials against Ebola in 2014. But it was found to be generally safe in people. Research with MERS showed that the drug blocked the virus from replicating.

'In April, it was being tested in five COVID-19 clinical trials from a Trusted Source. The first results weren’t encouraging. In mid-April, the Department of Veterans Affairs reported that the drug produced no noticeable benefits in patients at veterans’ hospitals. They also noted that the death rate among this group was higher than among patients who were given standard medical care.

'In late April, Gilead Sciences announced one of its trials had been “terminated” due to low enrollment. Gilead officials said the results of that trial had been “inconclusive” when it was ended.

Dr. Anthony Fauci , National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.; the institute’s director, told reporters the trial produced a “clear cut positive effect in diminishing time to recover.” He said people taking the drug recovered from COVID-19 in 11 days compared to 15 days to people who didn’t take Remdesivir. More details will be released after the trial is peer reviewed and published.

At the same time, another study in the Lancet published and reported that participants in a clinical trial who took Remdesivir showed no benefits compared to people who took a placebo.


Despite the conflicting results, the FDA reportedly issues an emergency approval On May 1st, 2020 for The Emergency use of Remdesivir"

The FDA Director Is Dr Stephen Hahn MD


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Updated: May 31, 2020

It has been discovered that Whuhan China is only the pentacle of the iceberg in the Chinese Plandemic planned by the Deep State.

A renown investigator journalist has taken on the Deep State in exposing through crowd invesigations, as if in a collective group through the social media platform, the SLEUTH, George Webb as a Political Scientist begins to ask the hard questions to his followers Of 2.5 Million Subscribers.

Sometimes, it is best to hear yourself think, George Webb has found the way to connect with others as like minded digital soldier sleuths, former intelligence officers, law enforcement, and Political Scientist to answer the who, what, when, where, how many, how much then the last of the Colombo questions "Just One More Thing." WHY?

A Timeline is probably the best way to establish a "who dune it" mystery. Where did the virus originate? George Webb can explain it best in the following manner:

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It seem like conspiracy theory or maybe an Orwellian novel, but If the facts that you are about to see, read and hear, just maybe we are living the Deep State's 16 year plan from OBAMA to ? without Hillary Clinton at the helm of the Deep State Pirate Ship.

They are hell bent in reducing the population, first the old, mentally ill, sickly and then "We the People..." How could they pull this off without waking up over 400 million guns behind the constitutional militia, in which I might add are already geared up to fight for their inalienable rights for life, liberty and freedom.

Moreover, a militias intelligence apparatus must be a viable source of qualified and verified information. but there is one source that the militia must have in identifying the Deep State operatives and their alias to be effective in eradicating the invisible enemy (Bio Terrorism) by exposing the engineers tampering with GOD'S natural state of physiology and Immunology.

The Citizen Intelligence Agency (CIA) is a visual forensic investigative body taking a person of interest (POI) from the faces of the wild (internet) and develops a visual profile of that POI.

The POI Is first connected to a database consisting of family members, business associates, oligarch ancestry and multiple associates or duplication in bio-metric measurements of alias harboring pseudo names in local, state, federal government, Judiciary, Law Enforcement, Military and members of the House Of Saxe Coberg GOTHA (Belgium, Hungary, Austria, Bulgaria, Portugal, and United Kingdom) database.

These POI'S are hiding inside, sir names of prominent families, in which many times are alias sir names liking to Schiff, Sessions, Soros, Kennedy, Inhofe, Rhoden, Sanders, Biden, Fauci, Brixt, Pelosi, Coumo, Romney, Schumer, Bush, Waters, Buchetto, Bezos, McCain, etc etc

Sadly, the elite are not who they claim to be, over a period of years the Deep State has established a way to adopt alias legally by the following:

This is accomplished by incorporating a DEAD MAN SWITCH, in which is possessed by all senior fellows as retired intelligence, political scientist, politicians and an army of militia leaders as members of the Institute Of Intelligence Groups And International Politics (IGIP).

IGIP greatest source is digital soldiers on the front lines of possibilities in confronting and exposing the invisible enemy, the Deep State and her Operatives that work in the shadows to over throw our republic through home grown terrorism, currently the Deep State holds all the cards in this Plandemic, in which has put our republic in shock, at least that is what they think.

In example let's explore this big mouth New York Governor Andrew Coumo, in which has been plotting to take down POTUS and his family, why and how? Who Is Andrew Coumo? Could Andrew Coumo Be Deep State? Could He Be Duplicitous In This Corona Virus Plandemic. See New York Governor Andrew Coumo Exposed As George Soro's Son.


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