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The institute of Intelligence Groups & International Politics started in 2013 profiling and documenting the villains and victims of mass shootings, manufactured domestic terrorist, historical disaster events, and much more in events of infamy that within two decades, our government has perpetrated multiple HOAXES in mass shootings using manufactured domestic terrorism in schools of learning and public venues, in which has put a bulls eye against our second amendment, due process and equal protection of the Rule of Law.

The institute as a think tank in forensically reporting and identifying mass shootings and shooters, bombings and bombers by creating allege domestic terrorism disquieted as FEMA training drills, in which has gone alive to perpetuate a HOAX and monitor psychological reactive data from the people as a collective in our nations demographics.

It has brought front and center of who, what, how, why, when, where and how much credibility can "We The People..." depend on the propaganda spouting by mainstream media and government involvement in these questionable infamous events.

Under our study that launched 7 years ago called Fake News Obituary Series Channel, this study tackles the main stream medias slanted truths that are nothing but lies with small amounts of truth, in which "if you have a handful of truth and you put one lie into the handful of truth then all of it becomes lies."

This project in the Fake News Obituary inquisition and institute study has perpetuated into a viable visual forensic journalistic tool, in which has exposed multiple Persons of interest that have crippled the Deep State's freedom to stay hid from "We The People..."

The institute's visual forensic investigations into government corruption and their justification in spouting and printing slanted truth lies, this is an oxymoron created as slanted propaganda in main stream media stories. It has brought front and center in 2020 the real reason for this justice crowd funding.

All Tech Giant Media are owned and controlled by this Belgium family, in which is directly duplicitous in the Covid-19 Plandemic with co-conspirator China (Deep State Dark Site) as the catalyst that global spreader of the virus, infecting the masses with tainted virus test kits, impregnated randomly with the virus that has HIV attach to the strain.

This is very disturbing, when you discover three primary talking heads as the China Corona Virus. (See Subscription Plandemic Lies Matter)

Who are they in our reality as another person? Once you discover who these people are, you will not believe anything that came out of their lying mouth as they deal with Covid-19, especially, Anthony Fauci AKA Hollywood Actor Joe Pesci AKA Author Bob Woodward. (See Subscription Fauci Lies Matter )

The Deep State are propagandizing main stream media to fit a political, national security and/or religious ideology or atheistic narrative and/or point of view (POV) targeting certain groups, in which are geologically and demographically created by the government and others in Federal law enforcement, Department Of Justice, Federal Bureau Of Investigation, Central Intelligence Agency, State Department and the Department Of Home Land Security.

How is this possible? The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 has changed our way at accepting main stream media narratives.This legal Act Is Called the "Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, which was contained within the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 (section 1078 (a)) amended the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 and the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1987, allowing for materials produced by the State Department and the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) to publish and communicate through main stream media's fake news propaganda, in which is available and broadcast within the borders of the United States. Picked up by some not all alternative media as creditable intelligence, when in facts it is government and deep state propaganda.

This has opened a can of worms of Anarchy and Socialist Communist ideology liking to Pandora's box springing open without a way to close it back, because the deep state owns and controls the Broadcasting Board of Governors and has given main stream media the legal right to launch an all out war of words against the Alt Right and "We The People..." without oversight to broadcast fake news stories due to the renegade cable industry and tech giants without oversight from the federal government.

The main stream media embellishes truth that incorporates lies into the meat of the news Headline and story content to fit a quasi truth stereotypical mold of creditable information without verification and giving government orchestrated FAKE NEWS a pass.

It gives creditably to government manufactured terrorism orchestrated by federal, state and local government liking to the alphabet agencies that appear on scene in state or local events DHS, FBI, FDLE, CIA, DOJ, DHS, ATF and others too numerous to mention. Why? It is because of this imaginary boogie man called domestic and foreign terrorist is pushed by the DHS And FEMA.

This is the reason that the institute formed in 2013, after the December 14, 2012 mass shooting HOAX at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in New town Connecticut, where no one died including the allege shooter.

There was something fishy about the precision in the allege mass shooting at Sandy Hook by a deceased lone gunman according to the Social Security Death Index died a day earlier on the 13th of December, how does a dead man kill 26 people at the school and he mysteriously executed his mother at another location that smelt of a set up crime scene?

Once an opportunity came available by the institute to put boots on the ground in the epicenter of the Sandy Hook HOAX and a senior fellow member that lived in the Sandy Hook area for over 20 years, he began to connect the dots with a team of investigators in who the players that were involved in the HOAX and the intimidation of those that was not a participant. The resident participants of the Sandy Hook HOAX are oligarchs and alphabet intelligence government employees plus Hollywood And Music industry that permeate the New Town area. Their Bounty was Homes purchased or previously owned were secretly paid off on December 25, 2012. Yes, another scheme in rewarding those involved in a false flag is part of the Deep State's playbook in rewarding and secretly paying off the players in the false flag operation.

A prime example is the son of a family that flies under the radar, but they has stepped on the wrong toes. The institute's director has been investigating this family for a future prepared law suit to be filed soon, where this family wrecked havoc on the director in his twitter, facebook, and viemo account, where over over

forensics in bio metrics, ancestral relationship, anthropological traits and the typical height, weight, ears, palm and digit identification along with much more too numerous to list.

Moreover, the institute listed some prime identification techniques in identifying a person of interest and his alias'.

The following five pages will give you an opportunity to identify those persons of interest that you may want to delve further after the institute proves its credibility in our new found science:

"The Operation Got It's Sea Legs In Building An Exhaustive Database of Videos Removed By YouTube, Collected Faces in the Wild, Investigation Reports and Case Files and Various Documented Evidentiary Files In the 2016 Dallas Police Shooting

This Operation Got It's First Break In Tying Local Law Enforcement Charades Against the Black Cabal Pushing The Race Card Attacking Police During A Black Lives Matter Demonstration.
Last But Not Least the Attack Against The Second Amendment Was Exaggerated In This CSBN Footage, Explained Below In The Footage

After The Air Cleared, The HUGHES Brothers Sued The Dallas Police Department.

More Various Manufactured Domestic Terrorist Operations Conducted By The Local Law Enforcement, DHS and the FBI Began Our Proven Theory In 452 Law Enforcement Agencies has been taken over by the Belgians, Kings, Rothschild, Clinton and Many In laws committing Crimes As Allege Shooters And Then The Victim In Certain Circumstances Were Identified As Federal and Law Enforcement Officers.
Various Police Shootings Are False as Well, The 2016 Dallas Police Shooting is A Prime Example In Bringing This Front and Center."

In 2019, the institute discovered 452 law enforcement agencies participate in the 2018 Police lip sync challenge. Our forensic investigators collected all 452 challenges for keepsake in our theory that the various police shootings in different municipalities were inside jobs, in which Tunnel for Towers had awarded to the deceased officers widows a paid for mortgage or home. Suspicions but no proof, up until our hunch payed off, in which the institute has discovered monumental action of fraud and RICO, in which Tunnel for Towers Charity Foundation is duplicitous with knowledge as a money laundering operation raising money to defraud "We the People..." with fake police shooting and the very hero of the brother has been killed multiple times as various police officers. The most recent was the NJ Shooting

Remember the shooter, deceased Micha Johnson in the July 7, 2016 Dallas Police Shooting. He is alive as an East Haven Connecticut Police Officer discovered in the East Haven Connecticut

Police Lip Sync Challenge Video


Remember The Black Activist, Corey Hughes, the Brother, Mark Hughes the AK-47 Carrier In Mistaken Identity As The Shooter in the CSBN Footage, the night of the shooting along with Micah Johnson AKA Lt. Murgo are discovered in news footage, both working inside the same East Haven Connecticut Police Department.

What Do You Think, Maybe This Is The Icing On The Cake.

SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts headed by King Philippe of Belgium AKA Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe AKA deceased Senator John Mc Cain has created a judges star chamber and has/is participating in decisions that are reshaping our republic and constitution.This star chamber is a federal circuit that has reshaped the judiciary as "Judge Roy Bean's Kangaroo Court."

However, since the Orlando Zimmerman, Lacey Peterson Trial and Katy Anthony Trials, Roberts and his henchman Belgian family and in laws has even rigged juries, grand juries and mock trials to shape society with lawyers with fake and pseudo names claiming certification by ivy league colleges, in which these allege professionals have never grace the halls with their presence.

This operation was launched after the allege killing of George Floyd. A pattern of the victims and the shooters along with complicit local government mayors plus DA office, law enforcement and the medical examiner creates a cocoon to pull off bunko crimes that dupes the republic, while the media gaslights the public to incite race rioting before the 2020 elections in which creates racial divide among "We the People..."

Even the Governors, state law enforcement and sometimes federal DHS or/and FBI are duplicitous in these crimes of insurance fraud by suing municipalities for victims using open specific attorneys, using open casket funerals to convince the masses with nationwide funeral homes owned by this Belgium crime syndicate

I know you have wondered why Senator Jim Inhofe was the only Senator not present at the swearing in for POTUS'S impeachment trial. Now you know why, but wait institute he was sworn in the next day. True, but ask yourself why Inhofe? This is why?

Roberts AKA Senator Inhofe AKA... has created a judge's star chamber as a federal circuit that has reshaped the judiciary as "Judge Roy Bean's Kangaroo Court." However, since the Orlando Zimmerman, Lacey Peterson Trial and Katie Anthony Trials, he has even rigged juries, grand juries and mock trials to shape society with lawyers with fake and pseudo names claiming certification by ivy league colleges, in which these allege professionals have never grace the halls with their presence.

Local judges strategically placed or flown into complete the mock (fake) trial with a jury hand pick for their verdict. Prosecution is where the ultimate BUNKO gets a monumental boost in electing for office sheriff and district attorneys prosecuting a lark in a miscarriage of justice, in which are filled with corrupt Rothschild, Belgians and Martin Luther King's (Alive: see monthly subscription at www. siblings, children and in law family members.

Here, is a fresh example Michael Cohen, a " oconus lure" (spy by invitation of FBI) along with the "Rothschild Belgians DC Judges Star Chamber, Michael Cohen has skeletons in his closet as a Russian and the parent the boys as the Boston Bombers and his daughter married to Michael Avanatti Esquire, a Russian Ukrainian "oconus lure" son of Ukrainian President Petro Yuschenko.

45th's POTUS former "Fixer" attorney Michael Cohn that proves beyond a reasonable doubt that all the prosecutions conducted by this judge and others is tainted due to the judges qualifications tainted as a defrocked Michigan Judge, two different people as sitting judges in New York City prosecuting the Special Investigation Into the Russian Influence in the 2016 elections.

Meet the DISHONORABLE District Court Judge KIMBA WOOD AKA Deceased Astronaut Sharon "Crista" McCauliffe AKA Sharon McAuliffe AKA Molly De Ann Clinton AKA New York DC Judge Amy Berman Jackson.

DISHONORABLE District Court Amy Berman Jackson AKA DC Judge Kimba Wood AKA Diane Hathaway.

Who are we speaking of in total convictions and decisions from February 13, 2013 retroactive January 29, 2013 are void on its face of the record, Michigan Supreme Court Judge Diane Hathaway AKA Judge Kimba Wood AKA Amy Berman Jackson is disqualified hearing, deciding or ordering any judicial actions, civil or criminal. "You Be The Judge."

It also to note that the Muller Special prosecutor, Andrew Weissman AKA Thomas Mc Auliffe directly involved as prosecutor presentation to the Grand Jury is disqualified to prosecute any of the defendants caught up in the Russian Influence In The 2016 Elections, including Michael Flynn because he is related to the judge as the brother in law of Thomas Mc Auliffe

Why you ask? Conflict of Interest and Prosecutorial Misconduct as DOJ U.S. Prosecutor Andrew Weissman Under 28 CFR 45.2.

Weissman related Mc Auliffe AKA Wood, Hathaway and Jackson's brother in law and his brother in law Former President Bill Clinton, husband of Hillary Rodham Clinton AKA Kelsy Bush. Mueller is the uncle of Hillary Clinton.

Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, he too had a major conflict of interest on the face of the record as the father in law of FBI Counsel Kevin Clinesmith and Sally Moyer is his wife, both related on the Mueller DOJ Prosecution Team. Therefore, personal relationship disqualified Mueller, Mueller's Daughter AKA Cynthia Mueller Donley and her husband Chris Donley.

People we have been oh so duped that justice does not prevail in our democratic republic. It is a nightmare, because "You Have To Be Asleep To Believe It."

George Carlin describes our current America in today's DNC socialist communist concept created by the Belgians AKA a integral part of the Rothschild tentacles in American Politics.

"We the People..." have elected a flawed champion labeled as our current 45th Duly elected government has stepped up and has given "We the People..." a taste of the good life and a chance to preserve the past American Way of Life called the American Dream.

"WARNING: Contains Explicit Colorful Profanity

In one of the bunko operations pulled off in Lacey, Washington, federal U.S. Marshal's office is involved along with the Lacey Chief of Police. (See Monthly Subscription "Lies Matter Channel."

The institute will lay out this letter in its entirety including visual forensic evidence charging those involved and others duplicitous in 18 USC 2381 thru 2385

September 5, 2020

U.S. Department of Justice

Office Of The Attorney General

950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20530-0001

Attention: AG William Pelham Barr

Mr. Barr, this letter is being sent to you at the utmost urgency to save our republic from a

16 year planned takeover after Hillary Clinton's rigged election as our 45th duly elected government failed to materialize, in which the plan is in its last stages to dissolve our constitution and the rule of law before war.

Hillary Clinton as we know her is clinically dead after the September 11, 2016 Twin Towers Ceremony, she dropped dead in front of GOD and her handlers.

Who finished the 2016 Elections? Hillary has a twin sister that finished the 2016 presidential election. This is why the Clinton imposter had to cheat during the election debates because her twin sister Christine Maxwell AKA Lynn Forrester Stein De Rothschild did not know shit to shine-nola about government, especially, foreign affairs.

The DNC'S Horse dropped dead before the finish line in a rigged election that almost triggered the 16 year plan and the end of our republic.

However, the plan has continued under the TRUMP Administration and it is in it's last stages, due to his advice given to him by, you guessed it, the Belgium Family members deeply embedded in his campaign, the congress, senate, judiciary, DOD, DOJ, FBI, CDC and naturally the whitehouse cabinet.

Each time we would be ready to prosecute these thugs through a Grand Jury under 18 USC 2381 thru 2385, we would vet them as persons of interest, they ended up being bad guys related to the ones we wanted to prosecute. We would regroup and pull back, waiting for another opportunity.

Now, the institute and "We The People..." have ran out of time.

I might add the institute has vetted you and the president as persons of interest. What we found was very unsettling to say the least, however, legally under the Pseudo Name Balloting Laws there is no crime committed, however, these persons of interest have committed multiple federal crimes including RICO, no one in politics, Hollywood, music industry and many other professions are who they claim to be, especially, the legal Bar Associations and medical field, Medical Doctors Licensing Board, in which is infiltrated by the Belgians.

How do we know this is through the Wikipedia, own by the Belgians. Damn, I know that each one of these family members are doctors and lawyers. Some are not old enough to have gone through law school and medical school. This will be something that you will need to investigate further.

The reputation in the name, Hillary Clinton is untouchable from her nexus ancestry to the Bush, Reeds, Rockefeller, Maxwell, Rodham Family. She is married to former president Bill Clinton AKA Amschel Mayor James De Rothschild, in which has made her name untouchable along with her father's above sir names.

The letter is publicly written to you with copies sent to President Donald J. Trump and the Tampa Bay Times, as a dead man's switch. The information that I am about to share with you, involves the final stage in the takeover of America, without a shot fired, but a rigged election controlled narratives by the major tech giants, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Tik Tok, Youtube. Patreon and Go Fund Me.

All these tech giants I might add are owned by the same family that are responsible for the Covid 19 Plandemic under Fauci AKA James Mountain Inhofe AKA Hollywood Actor Joe Pesci. His wife Dr. Brix AKA Susan Blassey Ford AKA.

The Inhofe and Kennedy Family AKA as the Royal Belgium Family and In Laws Of King Philippe and King Albert Of Belgium AKA John F. Kennedy Sr AKA Evelyn De Rothschild AKA Senator Bernie Sanders

The video that you just watched paints a picture of our planed future takeover, if Joe Biden ticket reaches the Whitehouse. However, there is another scenario that must be considered, what if Joe Biden is only a placeholder because we know he is politically damaged goods for the 2020 elections.

You are our republic's last chance before the elections. If things should go south and Biden AKA Joseph Patrick Kennedy -and Harris AKA

This Author Has Made A Critical Error In Judgment By Opening Up On Facebook To A Snake In The Grass, An Alleged Lawyer Representing A Christian Brother, In Which I Might Add Is Not A CHRISTIAN.

Roger Stone And His lawyer David Schoen Esquire Are A Wolves In Sheep's Clothing. However, By The Time Schoen Reads His Facebook Messenger, It Will Be Too Late In What Legally Is Inevitable For These Two Provocateur Wolf Ba Bas.

Our Republic Is Under Direct Assault Against Our Life, Liberty And Property, "We The People Must Stop Them At All Cost Of Life Or Limb To Insure Our Children A Future On This GODFORSAKEN PLANET!

Now, My Cluster Fuck Of Poor Judgement will be in the hands of President Donald J. Trump, Attorney General William Barr And AAG Durham's Grand Jury Foreperson.

Reading The Following information, In Which I Shared With David Schoen Esquire, But I Have Sent The Visual Forensics With An Attach Letter. It Too Will Be Shared In This Post. "You Could Say, It's A Legal Dead Man's Switch Of Sorts."

" to their elders??? Now who can honestly re post this. 🤔🤔🤔


David Schoen, Attorney at Law Chat Conversation Start 24 people like this Criminal Lawyer MON 9:35 PM Is anyone available to chat? David I Have Information Against Roger Stones Judge. She Is A Defrocked Michigan Appellate Court Supreme Court Judge. All Defendants Including Russian Cohen Can Be Exonerated due to a Deep State Judges Star Chamber a Foot. I Can Also Hand You Robert Muller On A Silver Platter. What Do I Want In Return Is An Attorney That Can Be My Spokes Person As GOD The Father Takes The Shadow Government Apart Through Visual Forensics From SCOTUS To The FBI. "No One Is Who They Claim To Be" If interested please e mail me, If you question my tenacity, go to Under construct a platform that reveals the TRUTH. TRUTH CHANNEL | Intell tv Institute of Intelligence Groups and Int'l Politics seeks to expose through media fellowship the principles identity that create corruption in government and the Body Politics. Walls Have ears. Muller Is Hillary Clinton's Uncle Michael Cohen Is Part Of a Russian Sleeper Cell I Believe That You Can See That I Am Not Kidding About Knowing Where all The Bodies Buried. Knowledge Is Power But Without Wisdom, It Will Get You Killed! This Will Help Your Client Stone. GOD BLESS, BE SAFE. Here A Bonus That Will Send You Reeling! CHILEAN DRUG, HUMAN, CHILD, AND BODY PART TRAFFICKING THEY ARE ALL INSIDE OUR CONGRESS AND SENATE 1:16 PM SINCE I HAVE NOT HEARD FROM YOU. I HAVE TAKEN A SECOND LOOK AT YOU AND STONE. LEGALLY BOTH OF YOU ARE IN A HEAP OF LEGAL TROUBLE. TRUMP IS OUR ONLY HOPE IN SAVING OUR PLANET FROM COMMUNIST DESTRUCTION, THEREFORE, A PACKET OF THIS INFORMATION IS IN THE HANDS OF TRUMP, AG BARR AND DURHAM'S JURY FOREPERSON. YOU COULD SAY A LEGAL INSURANCE POLICY AS IF A LEGAL DEAD MAN SWITCH HAS BEEN TR$TRIGGERED. MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON YOU AND STONES SOUL AS LEGALLY THIS CASE UNRAVELS.

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This is where the Deep State has strongholds and strangulation of the people and the governments of China, South and North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan also Russia ran by an American Vladimir Putin Manchurian candidate, Russia controlled Puppet, since Mikel Gorbechov, Council Of Foreign Relations pet project. wsuits, foundation gifts and crowd funding.

The Institute and the CIA has uncovered the name of the state and city where the next manufactured domestic race baiting terrorism will strike and set off the next civil war.

It will be the shot that is heard around the world as if 9/11 is playing out all over again.

Over seven years since the Sandy Hook Hoax, the institute's investigators discovered during and after the Sandy Hook Massacre HOAX, a plot to over throw the United States in a systematic 16 year plan.

Obama began the plan, in which was actually planed by the 43rd President, George W. Bush AKA Michael Bloomberg.

Barack Husein Obama executed the plan with precision.

Psst, by the way he is not black, Barack Obama is a white man AKA Billy Bush executed the plan with Bush precision and in BUSH COUNTRY at the Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown Connecticut.

Barack Husein Obama is NOT a black man. Psst, by the way he is a another damn BUSH and a white man to boot AKA Billy Bush.

He as another Bush inside the White House again executed the plan at Sandy Hook with precision, while he continued systematically eroding the Republic's citizens inalienable rights to life, liberty, and property. Now as this 16 year plan has not ceased, currently they are manipulating these Millininums as Socialist butterflies with purpose, while using this featured black family to perpetrate the planned race riots and oxymoron civil war scheduled for 2021.

This planned will be in full force as a conflagration in race riots perpetrated by President Derrick Johnson Of The NAACP, While his brother Hawk Newsome burned down the country using the embedded Belgians ANTIFA AKA

right after Michelle Obama AKA Sidney Davis Bush will be named the vice presidential candidate With Biden to run against Trump and Mike Pence, in which during the rigged on going Plandemic will flair up between August of 2020 through October, the Race tensions conjured by the NAACP & the ACLU and naturally, Biden will be declared unfit, incompetent and criminally unfit for the office of the presidency. Michelle Obama Will be elevated to the DNC candidate to run against the TRUMP ticket. The odds at this time are favorable for her to win.

In previous blogs we have posted the following plan, but each time posted the institute demonstrates to you how close we are at the point of no return.



Oops. did I say That, well folks, it's true and his son is Alleged Deceased Ahmaud Arbery as a active duty U.S. Navy seaman. If you want the TRUTH and want the visual forensic proof to these accusations and more; subscribe to the Black Lives Matter Platform. GET THE SCOOP BEFORE THE INDICTMENTS ARE UNSEALED!


Here is where the institute believes according to the past and present events since the Covid 19 Plandemic, through, Manufactured Bio Terrorism created by Dr. Anthony Fauci AKA James Mountain Inhofe II AKA California Governor Gavin Newsome.

Look around you and ask yourself, am I safer now than I was eight years ago or more in danger. The answer to this folks, if you are honest with yourself. We are in deep shit up to our eye balls in uncertainty with a communist push to destabilize Law Enforcement, where the 453 agencies are militarized to go renegade against "We the People..." in defending our home, neighbors and family.

It is considered and granted we can breath under TRUMP, "We the People..." do have some breathing room and fresh air in promises made, promises kept.

However, I cannot get it out of my head in TRUMP'S infamous quote of the poem "The Snake."

The Institute has erected a flag that flies over our compound that gives us daily food for thought, WHAT IF?

Remember, after another term under TRUMP, "We the People..." are back in the deep shit, unless you begin to realize the only way to survive this nightmare is to fight back smarter and harder.

A well informed militia is the difference between success or failure in their campaigns to take back our life, liberty and property, in which has been pillaged and stolen by foreign nationals from Belgium and the inbreeds of the House Of Saxe Coberg and Gotha sympathizers and profiteers as traitors against "We the People..."

No one of any importance in religion, politics, legal, medical, law enforcement and entrepreneurs are not who they claim to be in reality as a birth certificate toting sovereign state citizen of somewhere or a bought and sold citizen of the United Nations, through, your birth certificate traded as stock on the stock exchange on wall street.

Yes, folks some of our state body politic sold us out to the enemy of the people. How can you determine your citizenship status is to go to your state constitution and check to see if your constitution still addresses the borders of your state giving you coordinates of Northern, Southern, Western And Eastern borders and water rights. If you do, then good news you are a sovereign citizen first to your state. If not, then you are subjects (servants) of the Queen of England, in which is a member of the House Of Saxe Coberg And Gotha.

This is where these oligarchic families hide in prominent family sir names in the U.S., some even bear the Rothschild coat of arms.

Example: Up to 1798 GEORGIA CONSTITUTION Article I Section 23 insured the citizens of GEORGIA sovereignty, in the ratified constitution of 1861, the senate and legislature took that right of sovereignty away. Therefore, I am a servant (citizen) under the flag of the Union Jack's territory owned and shadowed controlled called the Continuity of Government, Washington DC.

In this post, the institute is going to pull back even further the onion of possibilities that makes us more apprehensive, fearful and down right angry, but you know something is wrong, it is felt inside that unction that you get when you communicate with JESUS in your secret place (Your Mind).

This is where the real problem of today lies within this Black family of under 100 family members with multiple pseudo sir names due to inbreeding with the white oligarchs, especially, the Belgians.

They are found inside the sir names Inhofe (King Philippe Of Belgium), Biden (Deceased Joseph Patrick Kennedy Jr and John F. Kennedy Jr. Alive.), Sanders (Deceased John F. Kennedy Sr. Alive), Kennedy, (Deceased Bobby, Edward, and Patrick plus some women, all alive) Bush, Soros, Rockefeller, Pelosi, Bezos, Schiff, Walton, Clinton, McAuliffe, Brennan, Potter, Presley (Deceased Elvis Presley, Alive), Coumo, McCain (Deceased John McCain Alive), Steyer Family (Lindsey Graham), Gates (Tom Steyer Family), (Son Of Warren Buffet AKA Victor Rothschild) Buffet, Zukerberg, Dorsey, too many Pseudo Sir Names To List, but baby we have them all, they too are less than 100 family members creating havoc against our life, liberty and property.

Here is a person that has pushed global vaccines with a hidden globalist agenda to reduce the population of food eaters. Look where he has shit for a decade, AFRICA. Killing our people and "We the People.." are tolerating these communist claiming black African American Status, while tearing down our heritage and rewriting history, Why? Think folks, who permitted the disease into our country in 2015, because his excuse was a humanitarian gesture to save the life of an American citizen, Bullshit!.

Remember, Barack Obama's excuse was for humanitarian reasons. Excuse me BILLY BUSH AKA Barack Obama did this humanitarian gesture, Why? Only one reason to terrorize "We the People..." to take our attention off the real news, the mass Mexican immigration of children from all points Asia, Africa and Latin America for Human Trafficking, Organ Harvesting and outright slavery, while using up their usefulness as breeders for the elite, while they harvest the Genochrome, blood mixed with adrenaline from their terrorized infantile, toddler and adolescent bodies. This is accomplished while the child is alive experiencing this horror of rape, peeling your skin off your body while suffering this horror.

Our country, the United States Of America has islands and territories to bring in humanitarian treatment of alleged American citizen health workers for the government but the real agenda is for the Globalist that wants to reduce the population to 500,000 people and live long enough to see it accomplished through this Fountain Youth Genocide.

Oh, this family is a Hinze 57 in corruption and hidden euthanasia talented war mongering off springs, Lindsey Graham AKA Henry Hume Steyer, while pushing their genocide agenda on the middle eastern and Russian blocked Muslim countries, Graham AKA Steyer is in the bed with China and Russia.

This is where the Deep State has strongholds and strangulation of the people and the governments of China, South and North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Afganistan also Russia ran by an American Vladimir Putin Manchurian candidate, Russia controlled Puppet, since Mikel Gorbechov, Council Of Foreign Relations pet project.

Matter in facts, Vice President Mike Pence Is A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing.

Meet The BLACK Sir Named Families of the Gillums, Abrams, Lewis, Cummings, Williams, Floyd, Brooks, Arbery, Newsome, Dulongo, Crump, Hewett, Waters, Winfrey




These people have operated under the radar, but were never forgotten by the institute. You could say we archived this brood, but continued to collect intelligence and their interracial marriages plus all their involvements in the past eight years in false flags of dead police officers, killers of police officers, pasty in heinous automobile, truck and school bus accidents, serial killers, Jewish hate crimes as killers, witnesses to bolster the reliability of the HOAX, but over a period of three years they have been race baiting in creating and operating a criminal enterprise in law suits and foundations set up to extort money from "We the People based upon a lie.

Then crowd funding became a popular way to extort money in donations in sympathizing with the loss of a loved one as a police officer, a victim of mass shootings, a fake hero, child left behind without one or both parents, funeral expenses, children stricken with an incurable illness or the Zionist Jews attacked in or around their synagogue or community.

Folks YouTube Is A Propaganda Tool To Incite Race Baiting, Giving Mainstream Media To Paddle Their FAKE NEWS stories and ah yes a place for the crowd funders to shake you down for donations, where they the very owners of YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Veimo, Paypal can continue to use you as their piggy bank but does not allow us to give an opinion or real journalism with proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Oh no, "We the People don't have that right anymore on Social Media.

I Commented On This Video Of Police Race Baiting As An Example of How We As "We The People Support The Social Media Channels, While Giving Up Your Privacy And Lives To Them, Where They Can Exploit You Gullibility In Believing A Lie And You Folks, Supporting Channels That Look At You as Stupid And Beneath Their Station In Life: Throughout this video there is no use to claim exclusive video excepting the act itself is a portrayal by an NAACP film company enacting fake news. Where is the proof that this actually happened. More PROOF that this is FAKE NEWS to inflame the black community to hate cops and create riotous situations that breeds terrorism against the white Caucasian bystanders in police situations where reality is not a figment of this channels imagination, I might Add good filmography. Look at your officer, does he look familiar, I Believe he was exampled in the Rayshard Brooks Murder HOAX, how about DA Mosby, damn she is your commentator, a winner of the NAACP Image award and possibly the daughter of a chief of police or could she be a daughter of Dr. Anthony Fauci or maybe she is Governor Brian Kemp's daughter. Folks unless you start to investigation in what you are watching and examining its content as if as an investigative journalist, you will buy into this NAACP Race Baiting to create RIOTS, Mayhem, and PURGES of Cops and White People. The investigative journalist, he is an NAACP grunt for president Derrick Johnson. So sad to see you buy into this bullshit.

A lot of accusations against people made in this dissertation about the complicity of YouTube race baiting through selective channels that are protected by Google and the NAACP. Folks, "We The People..." are at war against this foreign enemy is hell bent in destroying our way of life, liberty and property ownership in denying freedom of speech and press. What's next folks?

This is what is next, when this happens in this city and state CIVIL WAR will be declared against Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Belgians as unregistered foreign agents, Black profiteers as sympathizers of the Communist Party, CAIR (Moslem Socialist Party) and the NAACP.

These are Communist and Socialist ran organizations, in which has spearheaded the destruction of our law enforcement mechanism, whether good, bad or indifferent there are at 453 agencies, sheriff departments and metropolitan Police departments, in which are corrupt to the core by design in their leadership to pull off these manufactured domestic terrorist false flags through the District Attorneys, Medical Examiners, State Bureaus Of Investigation, Governors, Lt Governors and State Attorney Generals are behind the George Floyd Police Murder Hoax, Rayshard Brooks Police Murder Hoax and the Ahmaud Arbery White Supremacist Murder Hoax.

Inside our subscription Black Lives Matter Platform, the institute will prove to you beyond a reasonable doubt who was involved and how they pulled off the false flag, disclosing their birth names will be revealed, along with the one who financed the false flag. If we are not able to convince you without a reasonable doubt, I am willing to refund your money back before the second day of your week pass to see and hear the TRUTH of it all.

Institute, "We the People Hear You, but How?

Institute who, what, when, where and how is this going to happen? Folks, that information is found inside our different platforms offered on our channels that unlock the TRUTH about this GOD FORSAKEN WORLD, "We The People..." endure daily feeding on propaganda, well folks our channels have TRUTH backed by visual forensic evidence gathered from the faces in the wild through a newly discovered division of visual forensic science created by the institute called PSYCOPSYOPOLOGY.

Subscribe, You Won't Be Sorry!


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