Shadow Government Lurks!
44th Presidency
Barack Hussein Obama
November 4, 2008
Drain The Swamp In The 114th Congress
November 8, 2016
United Nations
Vice President
Joe Biden AKA
King Carl Gustaf VI of Sweden
Speaker Of House
Paul Ryan
Silent Intelligence Coup
November 1, 2016
Julian Assange AKA
Josh Earnst
Wiki Leaks HOAX
2016 Election
DNC Exposure
45th Presidency
Donald J. Trump
November 8, 2016
Illumi Corp
FBI Director
James Comey
Secretary Of DHS
Jeh Johnson
Chief Justice
John Roberts AKA DNC Robert Creme
Ruth Bader Ginsberg AKA
Columbia Bush
Claire McCaskill AKA Hillary Clinton
Lynn Forester Stein De Rothschild AKA Hillary Clinton
Kahzarian Mafia
First Drag Queen
Michelle Obama
Hillary Clinton AKA...
Loretta Lynch
AKA Columbia Garnica Gallo Bush
D.C. Pizza Gate
An Inspector Anonymous Film Exclusive
This investigation should strike indignation and fear from within your very being as a citizen of our country, you as a human being, your ire and your Fahrenheit level should be off the charts after you learn firsthand the atrocities that wield on the innocence of children and teens referencing the children as food ranging from infancy to adolescent and teenage prostitution as if it is nothing to sexually molest, ritually kill and feast upon the carnage. Even, if part of this is true that Wikileaks has provided another opportunity to bring to light an age old problem in sexually molesting and sacrificing children, the new twist is these ghouls are consuming their flesh and blood.
In 1989, the prevalence of Satanic Rituals and sacrificing of children raised its ugly head, the children would disappear right outside their backyard. Playing on minute and abducted to be ritually, sexually molested and then murdered. After the ritual and blood feast, the child was taken to a crematorium to be cremated, but today they are eating them.
Another time in the 1990's that should be brought front and center is the Franklin Credit Union Scandal that rocked D.C and the White House, involving a high roller Lawrence King of Ohio, in which the Jesuits Boystown of Youngstown Ohio came front and center in an investigation that was literally killed by silencing the conspiracy.