Shadow Government Lurks!
44th Presidency
Barack Hussein Obama
November 4, 2008
Drain The Swamp In The 114th Congress
November 8, 2016
United Nations
Vice President
Joe Biden AKA
King Carl Gustaf VI of Sweden
Speaker Of House
Paul Ryan
Silent Intelligence Coup
November 1, 2016
Julian Assange AKA
Josh Earnst
Wiki Leaks HOAX
2016 Election
DNC Exposure
45th Presidency
Donald J. Trump
November 8, 2016
Illumi Corp
FBI Director
James Comey
Secretary Of DHS
Jeh Johnson
Chief Justice
John Roberts AKA DNC Robert Creme
Ruth Bader Ginsberg AKA
Columbia Bush
Claire McCaskill AKA Hillary Clinton
Lynn Forester Stein De Rothschild AKA Hillary Clinton
Kahzarian Mafia
First Drag Queen
Michelle Obama
Hillary Clinton AKA...
Loretta Lynch
AKA Columbia Garnica Gallo Bush
2016 Presidential Election Legitimacy
Pro Se' Justice Center Pro Se Esquire J.R. Oglesby
It is time to put to rest this claim of the TRUMP / PENCE Illegitimacy of the 2016 Presidential Election, the Intelligence Groups have completed a vetting of both candidates qualifications according to Federal Election Law, Rule of Law, and State Codes, Statutes and laws that govern the accuracy and legitimacy of elections.
Out of the box these elections were tainted with disqualified candidates from both parties including the green party, independent and libertarian parties, especially, the primary and general election for president.
In the United States Constitution, clause 5, Article 2, Section 2, a candidate must be a naturalized citizen, at least 35 years old, lived in the United States for at least 14 years also according to state and federal election laws, the candidate for president can not be holding federal or state office while running in the General Election, they must resign from any government office, whether, state or federal venues. The only exception to this rule is if you holding government office then you are given a pass in the primary, however, you must disclose that you are holding the government office. After the primary, you must resign before running in the General Election.
If you don't then you are subject to prosecution and your candidacy is illegitimate by Federal Election and state election laws. If you as a candidate for any government office can run on a Pseudo-Name Nomination Ballot, however, if you don't disclose holding these offices, once you sign a sworn affidavit for candidacy and you did not disclose that information to the states or Federal Election Commission then you can be prosecuted, sanctioned and disqualified as a legitimate candidate for office, in this case the legitimacy of president is at stake, therefore it is time to clear the air of who is legitimate and who is not for the 45th Presidency and vice presidency of the United States Of America.
This investigation was conducted due to Green Party, Dr. Jill Stein A.K.A. as foreign National Ariane De Rothschild claiming that the presidential election was hacked and she started a crowd funding site raising to date and counting over five million Dollars ($5,000,000) after An attempt by two illegitimate presidential candidates as provocateurs from foreign countries posing as naturalized American citizens of the United States lost the election by electoral vote, Both Hillary Clinton and West Virginia Tim Kaine are not American Naturalized Citizens. Both are unregistered foreign agents pursuant to Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA).
The person in which has brought the charge of election fraud is Green Party Jill Stein, her past personal history is referenced in an unsubstantiated internet encyclopedia, Wikipedia. It is totally unreliable excepting in editing from undependable internet media articles, Wikipedia is unreliable as an authority on who is who in America, in which is published on the internet with no vetting of the persons reported life history, education, accomplishments as being a true person, receiving degrees and accolades that was earned and matriculated by attendance, because this source of rewriting history in picking and choosing articles edited to be set with factual conclusions, which can be removed by a seven member trustee board. It is secretly owned and operated by a Scandinavian group, which is owned and controlled by Illumi Corp, the Capstone of the New World Order (Illuminati).
We have three persons listed here with different birth dates, ages, places of birth, i.e. Ariane De Rothchild claims El Salvador born, but out of the three women, two claims to be American citizens, one claims foreign born, therefore, if we can prove that Clinton and Stein is Ariane De Rothschild then Hillary Clinton is disqualified for a presidential run, because she is an unregistered foreign national, Ariane De Rothschild A.K.A. Dr Jill Stein A.K.A. Susan Rockefeller.
Dr. Jill Stein is not a naturalized citizen as Jill Stein, it appears on Wikipedia that she is Dr. Jill Stein born in Chicago, Illinois, married to Dr. Richard Rohrer, Hillary Clinton, she too claims birthplace, Chicago Illinois, married to William Jefferson Clinton, in which is our illegitimate 42nd President of the United States, because he was born in France
(See USURPATION), he too is not an American naturalized citizen. Bill Clinton is a Rothschild born in France. Ariane De Rothschild is married to Benjamin De Rothschild
(See Series IV) as they are portraying a lie as Susan and David Rockefeller Jr.
Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein AKA Ariane De Rothschild, Democratic National Committee Presidential Hillary Rodam Clinton AKA Ariane De Rothschild and Vice Presidential Candidate West Virginia Senator Tim Kaine are guilty of the Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).
The intelligence Groups have uncovered a primary secret of the Illuminati capstone called Illumi Corp, they bring in foreign royals, wealthy provocateurs to become the elite of our nation and other countries as Lawyers, Congressman, Judges, Supreme Court Justices and even presidents;
How is this possible, it is very simple, the one that prints fiat currency makes all the rules, yes its those pesky Rothschild, they are like bed bugs, once you get them, the best remedy to eradicate the bedbugs is to burn the bedding, get rid of the mattresses, pillows, and treat the symptoms after exterminating any of the stranglers.
The Rothschild have created a sinister plan that has almost succeed except they did not think or plan out the technological advances in distribution of TRUTH through the internet and Alternative media.
In this last presidential election, something went terribly wrong in their plan called the PROTOCAL OF THE ELDERS OF ZION and they did not expect that the Intelligence Group has been gathering intelligence as separate organizations until this year, we would come together to create a citizen law enforcement, journalistic, investigative body of forensic watchman as a cohesive body of professionals in Bio Metrics, Anthropological, Biological, Psychological, Technological Forensics and investigative journalism in which has all the experiences necessary to expose their plan, which I might add is in its last stages of completion, however, the 45th President Elect DONALD J. TRUMP as our 45th President and Mike Pence, our Vice President are dedicated American heros that were instrumental in taking back our country.
The Intelligence Groups has solved the Sandy Hook Massacre by embedding investigator in the Newtown community, once this was accomplished over 100,000 data files were compiled and collected in solving the Sandy Hook Massacre HOAX, heros in their own field of expertise help solve the vehicle that was the catalyst in the forming our Syndicate, the Intelligence Groups a deep debt of gratitude to Scott Wilson, an embeded investigator, Tim Grice Sr. that put us on the right track to take a closer look at the Rothschild Cabal, Inspector Anonymous, our founder of the Intelligence Groups, Citizen Intelligence Agency and Inspector Anonymous Film that is bring front and center the TRUTH in film, Alternative media and publishing of books and media Journalistic TRUTH. Jerry R. Oglesby founder and Director of the Pro Se Justice Center, we are the legal arm that once TRUMP / PENCE is inaugurated we intend to seek justice against this past administration and cabinet in all the provocateurs that participated in all these mass shooting HOAXES, Terrorist False Flags, Domestic Terrorism Of FEMA, FAKE vitims, witnesses, and family members and the REAL unregistered Foreign National that is currently the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security and an active participation in the Sandy Hook HOAX as the Chief of Police of New Town Connecticut, the Phelps and shooting victims parents. Our holidays are plagued with melodrama of ISIS Terrorism, it is all a lie. Yes, their will be a terrorist attack created by the Department of Homeland Security, CIA, FBI and other federal renegade provocateurs. Let me give you a prime example, it will not be covered in this page, but rest assured look for these stories, since we have solved the mysteries and vetted the provocateurs as previous victims, perpetrators, witnesses and law enforcement in the Current police ambushes and shootings in San Antonio,
However, through out our infrastructure under construction over 30 websites that prints the TRUTH from a forensic investigative journalistic perspective will unravel a diabolical plan by Illumi Corp to bankrupt, gut and sell off our natural resources to the highest global bidder. Enough about our bloviating let's return back to matter at hand and put this illlegitimacy to rest and place the blame where it lies in a law, rules and codices that Illumi Corp has installed in every state and federal election venues, for the sake of argument, Intelligence Groups has name it, the Pesudo-Name Ballot Nomination
these are called safe haven names, liking to Rockefeller, Bush, Kennedy, Clinton, Carter, Koch, Greenberg, and many more too numerous to list. However please take the time and watch this series of videos too adjust your thinking in a clear and educatable thought pattern, could this be possible. We at the Intelligence Groups came together to form a team of investigators and prosecutors as common citizens of our United States to expose 60 years of lies in false flag assassinations, illegitimate presidency from the 41st President to the 44th President have been held by non naturalized citizens, holding more than one government office, not 35 years old. This last presidency was held by the most illegitimate president in the history of our Constitution.
2016 Presidential Election Results
Legitimate Candidacy
Winners By Default
And Electorial College Mandate
Illegitimate Candidacy
Losers By Disqualification, Constitution And
Electorial College Mandate
The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) was enacted in 1938. FARA is a disclosure statute that requires persons acting as agents of foreign principals in a political or quasi-political capacity to make periodic public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign principal, as well as activities, receipts and disbursements in support of those activities. Disclosure of the required information facilitates evaluation by the government and the American people of the statements and activities of such persons in light of their function as foreign agents. The FARA Registration Unit of the Counterintelligence and Export Control Section (CES) in the National Security Division (NSD) is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Act.
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). The FCPA prohibits both United States and foreign corporations and nationals from offering or paying, or authorizing the offer or payment, of anything of value to a foreign government official, foreign political party, party official, or candidate for foreign public office, or to an official of a public international organization in order to obtain or retain business. In addition, the FCPA requires publicly-held United States companies to make and keep books and records which, in reasonable detail, accurately reflect the disposition of company assets and to devise and maintain a system of internal accounting controls sufficient to reasonably assure that transactions are authorized, recorded accurately, and periodically reviewed.
This investigation of the persons of interest (POI) will touch on one part of the accumulation of evidence, through, Biometric Identification, the complete evidence portfolios are available to law enforcement or any prosecutorial body for a Grand Jury.
Any request will be accomplished by the submission on letter head stationary or subpoena from any court.
The One thing that a POI when hiding in plain sight can't counterfeit, it is their mates and children. The next part of our premise is Ariane De Rothchild's husband is Jill Stein's husband and Susan Rockefeller's husband is Benjamin De Rothschild, Ariane De Rothschild's husband is also Benjamin De Rothschild AKA David Rockefeller Jr.. Hillary Clinton's husband is Ameshel James De Rothschild born in France and claimed deceased.