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It has been discovered that the miss calculated steps of the Russian Espionage Agents and their counterpart's encouraging a person as a builder, developer, narcissistic Billionaire counter puncher, major donor turned Republican, and GOD'S choice to take back from Lucifer, as the horned god's deed to America, while mounting up the sudden destruction of the World Headquarters by the nations of the world, before the return of the LORD JESUS CHRIST to redeem what rightly his by inspiring the destruction of mystery Babylon, the "THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH "spoken of in Revelations, Chapter 17, this will take place before ARMAGEDDON in the valley Meggeddo.

The United States of America is My

the timing of the end of an era, the great revival spoken of many years ago before the lawless on is revealed to run for president, Donald J. Trump was bumbled when Embed Russian Agents and their families born on American soil make a move against us by a plan to destroy and invade a diverse nation, the United States of America without firing a shot, however, they were double crossed by the American People's ability to think for themselves, the internet, a tool of the devil has saved "We the People and our inalienable rights to fight back with unheard words of the Due Process Clause and Equal Protection Under The Law. Trump, is a religious man of sorts, but not a liar or hypocrite, a little narcissistic liking to Saul before Paul the disciple's Emmaus experience on his way to Damascus, Wayne Jackson gives a vivid and simple understanding in what has happen to our 45th President, Donald J. Trump, the reincarnate soul mang King Cyrus ( President Trump's experience manifested itself when he saw the portrait of President Andrew Jackson and when he sat in the Chair of The Highest Office Of The United States, GOD the FATHER gave him his marching order tomarch on the Queen Swamp, the corrupt Washington District of Columbia's corruption that has tenticles inside every state in the United States of America. In our investigation of the fact, the institute has determined the Strong Holds Of The Russians Embed in Washington State, Oregon, Califoria, Texas, Connecticut, New York, Virginia, South Carolina, Colorado, Illionois, Georgia, Florida, Louisanna if it fails in impeaching the 45th President, he is set up to be Assassinated by his administration, in which is infiltrated by Russian Sleeper Families and claimed American Unregistered Foreign National Socialist sympathizers and Agents to Foreign Government Interest in A New World Order Narrative that have been embedded for over 20 Years as the Bush Family Under Patriarcle Globalist Herbert Walker Bush And His 1000 Points Of Light New World Order Agenda in his State of the Union Address in 1992

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